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Thursday, April 7, 2011

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

Stepping off a 100-foot pole is an idiom expression just like the fish falling from sky. And it will mean different thing to different human beings and to me it means step out of your comfort zone and achieve success. But how does one step out is the question? Courage and determination is the first key in this journey. You have to look at it this way- if you want to succeed in life, you would do anything, commit everything and even work extra miles to achieve excellence, and that required persistent and determination.

Being positive is another way to step off a 100-foot pole. Yes, being positive is one thing most people that step off have kept in mind. They keep their goals and dreams in their mind and always positive. They never see failure as part of living but risks and positive as a way to successes. You have to be positive all the time. But just positive is not enough. You need to know how to go about it too.

Learn from your other mistakes or other people mistake will also guide you in stepping off a 100-foot pole. Did you know that those successful people make thousands of mistakes before they become successful? But the different between them and those who are still trying to step out of their safety zone or 100-foot pole is how they have turn the entire mistakes and used it as motivation.

The step off 100-foot pole is a journey you have to take step by step, follow it in easy way and it will lead you to success bigger than the sky, world beyond your thinking, and happiness that is apparent as daylight. Just follow the guide and you can make your world boom


Rebecca Moloto said...

wow i must say you are a good writer

lawrenceM VS SiyabongaM said...

Interesting... BUT... the are no buts'. that is the right way to live life...

Zintle said...

Wow, now I feel motivated. Well done this is a good piece.