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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Child with question of why...

On my way home from work I listened to a child and mother conversation, where all the child questions start with “WHY”. Listening to them for almost half an hour, I realised that question of why have deep rooted on every child that it look like they were born with it.

This conversation taught me that everybody during the journey of parenthood will face the process of answering “the WHY” question from his/her child.

One can ask how come they never stop even when the perfect answer was given to them. The truth is before their life began, curiosity of what is going on around them, what are right, what is safe and the good and bad will draw them to ask “WHY”.Some will even ask why the sky is blue, Why do I have to share my food? Where the babies come from, why grandmother dies? Why do I have to say thank you? Why do I have to forgive my brother?

On hearing this million questions some mothers will get angry whereas some will ignore the question. The fact is, to be able to deal with “ the WHY” question you will establish patient and find a unique style of answering them because every child expect answer from all his/her question.
However, below is the sequence of conversation between the child and the Mother:
Mom the child said why are we in this bus?
Mother. . . Because we need to get home in time
Child. . . Why
Mother . . . Because we are tried
Child. . . Why are we tried?
Mother . . . Because we are tried
Child . . . Why this particular bus?
Mother. . . Because is the bus Golden Arrow management have for those going to Parklands
Child . . . Where is Gold Arrow?
Mother . . . Over there
Child… Why there?
Mother… Because . . .

The mother keeps quiet. The child noticed the mother is no longer in the mood to answer more questions she turned to her mother’s friend on her right hand side and continued her question. I realised that answering these question required one’s own strength and willingness. For there were many questions we can’t ignore for the sake of love, family and happiness.

Truly, there is nothing more interesting than to allow and encourage your child to ask you as many questions as possible. You are the first teacher in their life before the world teaches them the rest.
Photo sources:,

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